[ readme ]

The downloads section of http://beepagephp.sf.net contains 
two source tarballs:
  beepage-<version>.tar.gz      (BSD license)
  beepagephp-<version>.tar.gz   (GNU Public License)

The beepage tarball contains updated code for the beepage 
client/server text paging system originally from http://beepage.org.

The beepagephp tarball contains the PHP and related pages 
for the web server. 

Both packages must be installed on your web server to use 
beepagePHP. BeepagePHP requires the ``-s sender'' functionality 
provided by the version of beep in the updated 
beepage-<version>.tar.gz package (available here).


1. Untar the beepage-<version>.tar.gz archive and follow its 
   instructions for installing.

2. Change to the root of your web directory (e.g., /var/www/html) 
   and untar beepagephp-<version>.tar.gz

3. Next, update your apache config to implement basic authentication 
   on the beepage/ directory. Consult the Apache how-to
   if you are unsure how to accomplish this.

   Technically you don't need to authenticate your users, but then:
   a. anybody visiting your web server will be able to send messages
      (this may be what you want)
   b. outgoing messages will show "From: apache" assuming that
      httpd is running as apache.

   Here is an example /etc/httpd/conf.d/beepage.conf file:
   #  httpd configuration settings for use with beepagephp
   # establish a .htaccess file for general usage
   <Directory /var/www/html/beepage/>
   	AllowOverride AuthConfig
	<FilesMatch "\.inc$">
	    Order Allow,Deny
	    Deny from all
   # establish a different .htaccess file for the admin
   # directory
   <Directory /var/www/html/beepage/admin/>
   	AllowOverride AuthConfig
	<FilesMatch "\.inc$">
	    Order Allow,Deny
	    Deny from all

4. Update the permissions on your <beepage>/etc
   files as follows (assuming httpd runs as group apache):

   chgrp apache etc/{users,aliases,services}
   chmod 770 etc/{users,aliases,services}


A. beepagePHP assumes that beepaged is running on 
   the localhost. You may need to edit beepage/inc/vars.inc if 
   you modified the location of files in the beepage Makefile.

B. Sample user, group (aliases), and services files are 
   included with the beepage tarball in the downloads section.

C. Check your host-based firewall rules to ensure that localhost
   (on which httpd is running) can connect to itself on port 6661.


The following pages list TAP phone numbers for common 
cell phone and paging service providers: